Surrender, Listen and Give

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Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

May all beings, everywhere have their body, mind, heart and soul in complete harmony (prayer)

I seek Thy blessings-that my body, mind, heart and soul are in complete harmony.

I seek Thy blessings-that each one of your Creations in my Universe have these in complete harmony.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tvamev mata cha pita tvamev... (poem)

This morning, I woke up smilingly to these thoughts...

You are my coach and the goal.
You are my friend and the parent.

You are my light and torchbearer.
You are my path and its destination.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Thou are the sweetness, which I do seek....(poem)

At the end of this morning's meditation, I felt Thy sweetness in..

*** more
desperate desires,
peace in fulfillment. more
burning anger,
calmness in serving.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Follow Thy Heart and Manifest Who You Are (poem)

Step out of mind and its fears.
Speak out heart and its aspirations.

Create all the fun and be adventurous.
Express all the feelings and be yourself.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Yes, I have changed, I am no longer "normal" (poem)

I used to relish the Pad Thai Noodles with peanut sauce,
I liked the taste, the aroma and the look of its presentation.

I found the fresh vegetarian rolls in rice crepes very nourishing,
I liked their cool effect, the ingredients and the way it was offered.

Like this, there were lentils, vegetables and nuts which my senses liked,
But, with Grace, I no longer enjoy or relish eating the same food in same place.

I do feel, I have become "abnormal", for I no longer enjoy what most in my family still do,
I'm not complaining, for I still have many choices; but yes, I have changed, I'm no longer "normal".

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

In cold, hot food matters (poem)

To serve hot meals in winter - I have three choices,
the first - to finish cooking just before serving (like mama did),
the second - to warm up cooked food right before serving (like in microwave),
and the last - to keep the cooked food heated up at perfect temperature (like in an oven).

To finish the cleaning of the kitchen before offering hot meals - I have three steps,
the first  - to finish cooking a few hours in complete peace before the actual meal time,
the second - to empty out the cooking dishes, clean them and the entire kitchen before offering,
and the last - to keep the cooked food, in the way I like to either through the conduction or radiation.


  Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Reminds me of Beatles song (poem)

During the morning meditation, I heard


Just let it be.

Just let people be.

Just let everything be.

Just be with your dear God.

Aum Tat Sat (God  is Truth)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Hi sweetheart"... (poem)

...O the one who addresses me this way,
come, stay, and converse with me,
affectionately snuggle me and,
allow me to kiss Thy feet.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Only a woman can understand another woman's pain (poem)

For the women needs to be heard, I speak.
For the souls of all women, I pray.
For their healing, I resolve.
With  God, I stand.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Pain is a blessing in disguise (poem)

We are blessed with pain,
to empathize, to heal  another,
who is undergoing a similar pain;
and not to complain or be revengeful.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, October 19, 2012

In each moment, I can choose my feelings (poem)

When I feel I am being controlled,
When I feel I am being imposed,
When I feel I am being ignored,
Then, I feel I am a victim.

When I feel another's unease,
When I feel another's pain,
When I feel another's fear,
Then, I feel I am a healer.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What is my goal? (poem)

The goal for my children is to be able to do my best for their well-being.

The goal for my own self is to be totally present and to honor whoever is in front.

The goal for my family/friends is to make our interactions peaceful in person and thoughts.

The goal for my God is to deflect Divine blessings towards needy and to merge with Thee in this life.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Whenever, I feel attacked...(poem)

I can change this experience,
either, by not allowing that person to attack,
or, by protecting myself in every possible way to feel safe.
And if neither is working, I can intelligently change my interactions.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

I am responsible for... (poem)

my responses,
my experiences,
my interactions,
and no body else.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Inner Peace = World Peace (poem)

Inner clarity ---> inherent wisdom ---> intelligent solutions--->outer peace.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Oh God, get me out of my mind PLEASE...(poem)

...for when I am in my mind,
I desire, fear, judge and doubt.

...for when I am in my heart,
I accept, love, heal and am clear.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Observe, Feel and Bless (poem)

When I feel, I am in body.
When I bless, I am in heart.

When I desire, I am in mind.
When I dislike, I am in senses.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

To be or not to be (poem)

When I feel attacked,
I am a victim.

When I share blessings,
I am a healer.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Oh my Krishna dwelling inside all hearts... (poem)

...bless me and all people in my Universe
an understanding by which, all can come to THEE
and destroy with THY shining lamp of KNOWLEDGE
all the darkness born out of our ignorance-ILLUMINATE us.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

What is the most important question? (poem)

O my dearest
God, Krishna and Gurus, tell me -
how can I be present in each moment,
and love whoever is standing in front of me?

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, October 12, 2012

The goal in my conversation...(poem)

is that I speak
and the person gets the
well intention-feeling-safe.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Its a fun game - recognizing my reactions (poem)

I am uneasy around him,
for he pokes me in my forbidden areas.
for he shows me that I am just like him.
for he triggers me to react in a bad way.

I am choosing to be at ease,
by realizing - here I'm reacting once again.
by recognizing - we are all, exactly SAME.
by choosing - to diffract GOD'S blessings.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Gratitude - a pain killer (poem)

Just as a thin layer of trash bag,
keeps the bin clean (from the dump).

A constant thought of gratitude,
keeps the interactions clean (from pain).

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, October 8, 2012

The pain is due to my experience and not the people (poem)

I had a picture of my marriage,
of my husband and my family,
but, when reality didn't match,
what was in my dreams, it hurt.

Now the problem is neither in
the dreams nor in the people
but it lies in my expectations, 
and the deep disappointment.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I met this boy in his mid 20's (at Ashram).
He said, "I wish to create a world free of all problems"
I said, "I wish to create a world full of honor, where nobody judges another."
What an amazing conversation? What beautiful words? They are still reverberating.
AUM TAT SAT (God is Truth)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pain... (poem)

I'm unable
to love.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hey, there is so much more to life than DESIRING (poem)

I used to cross those construction workers,
everyday and simply sympathize with them,
while driving, inside my air conditioned car;
seeing them work amidst heat, dust and noise.

On this October 2nd, I (along with a friend),
walked with an offering of watermelon slices,
through the blowing dust, bothersome noise
on an extremely hot day from 1:30- 2:30 pm.

We walked and offered chilled watermelon,
specifically to those workers in their world,
where they work 8 hours a day, everyday
and man, it was very difficult and repulsive.

But, that 1 hour has shifted my perspective,
I am thanking God ever since for all I have,
and especially that I have been blessed not to
work under those conditions, to earn money.

I felt the strain in their bodies and pain in ears,
I saw on their face, the sweat and helplessness,
I got a glimpse inside their world and HEARD
"Hey, there is so much more to life than desiring".

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pleasing can never earn love (poem)

Touch is a human need.
Love is a basic need.

When these are not met,
desires start piling up.

Mama was too busy with
chores and my siblings.

She told me, I used to cry
a hell lot as a new born.

Cry to be held,  cuddled up,
and no grand parents.

Papa has always been uneasy,
to hug  a baby or adult.

My needs of touch based love,
of a new born remained.

My need for papa's love made
me please him with grades.

My need for touch made me
please spouse by yielding.

I continued to yield  both, inside
and outside bedroom.

And without my own awareness,
I gradually turned spineless.

Now, I know those who love,
love for they can't stop.

And those who don't just can't,
for they didn't get it.

The pleasing can never earn love,
only love can induce love.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)