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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Fairy Tale (poem)

My Fairy Tale (poem)

I was a free particle.

Then I happily married,

but my mobility got linked.

After that,

I enjoyed having a daughter,

but my responsibilities increased.

Soon after,

I was blessed with a son,

but as the stress increased,

my health deteriorated and frustrations escalated.

Much later,

I was bed confined,

as if I were put on a timeout,

but it was only then I realized that,

all through, I suffered for I did not ask eagerly-waiting-God-within for help.

Since then,

I am a new person,

feeling lighter each day,

unfolding my loving self once again,

experiencing a new Light guiding me through all,

and now, whatever happens, I know I can be peace anywhere-anytime, for it sits unperturbed within.

Aum Tat Sat

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