Surrender, Listen and Give

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Discover all that's there (poem)

I was rushing in between dropping and picking up kids from camp,
assuming I can write, read, or walk only at or around my home,
till, after a week I was exhausted by the drive and heat,
and therefore decided to hang around camp site.

Before leaving home, I searched for a nearby library on the internet,
so that I can email or read books indoors, while I am waiting,
only to surprisingly discover that there is a green corner,
a poetry center and a very calming garden on site.

I assimilated an important lesson: LIFE IS only HERE AND NOW,
there is no other place or people to find what I am longing for,
there is no beautiful past or the rosy future to cling onto,
and I already have, all that I need, I just have to SEE.

Perhaps, this new lesson can be extended to my relationships too,
when I realize that they are frustrating or taking a toll on me,
then instead of trying to flee away from them for peace,
I've got stay right there and discover all that's there.

Aum Tat Sat

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