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Friday, March 4, 2011

Today, I feel, I am full of Light (poem)

Since yesterday night, my heart is singing "Come to me Jesus, fill me with Thy Light." I feel my heart is empty and vacant and ready to recv. divine Light.

I shared with a friend that, when loving a human being is so beautiful, I wonder and wish to experience what is it to love God, who has created Love.
Plus, when we have to eventually, serve God as a soul after death, why not start it now.

Today (March 4, 2011), I feel I am ready to have an affair with God; to expeience the bliss.

He shared the chant, "God and I are one", and that sounded perfect.

Those strangers who met me in the line at Costco, could see that I am happy and mentioned it to me.

I am high on God today. Cheers to all those who rejoice in God.


Today, I feel light,
running through sprinklers,
singing and dancing everywhere,
smiling, helping and talking about God.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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