Surrender, Listen and Give

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Climb every mountain, search high and low.,..(poem)

In this morning meditation, I saw my furstrations in my relationship, and surrendered them to God.

Then, in divine Light I saw how I moved from a well paying Industry job, to prestigious-yet-lesser-paying teaching at the University and then after a gap of 7 years to a fulfilling-and-beginning-to-get-paid observing Physics with kids.

I heard, "Gunjan, you have done it once, for work; you can do the same for your relationship. Don't give up. Follow all your dreams, for you are the creator of your life."

And, I told myself, "Yes, I wish to create a relationship, where there is respect, love, trust, understanding, deep connection, giving, supporting and the sensitivity to feel each other's pain; and I am going to create it in my life, come what may. nd it is important for me and my children to see how to create and live a relationship full of love instead of constant fear and judgements"

God, Krishna, Gurus show me in Thy Light, how to do it; for I can do anything only with Thy support. Come to me Jesus, fill me with Thy Light.

I felt frustrated working in the industry,
I felt creative teaching at the University,
I felt fulfilled observing Physics with kids,
I am so thankful to God, for leading me to it.

I am so glad, that I explored what gave me joy,
I am so glad, that I followed the soft voice in me,
I am so glad, that I meditated to walk through my fears,
I am so thankful to God, for guiding me to create my life.


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)


Meri M. said...

And I wonder - have you found this relationship yet?

Gunjan said...

I am asking God to make me love, Krishna to keep me full of faith and Gurus (my spiritual guides) to fill me with Light, in each moment, with whoever I am; and lets see what unfolds.

Gunjan said...

Dear Meri M.,

I don't need it, I have God.

God Bless you,
