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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Accepting the Differences (poem)

I lived in darkness about my relationship with the father of my kids for the first 11 years, for I did not know any better.

Then, through a series of circumstances, I realized that there was no respect, love or connection in my marriage. That night, I lost my trust in him.

After that for the next 2.5 years, I started seeking from Light within, and hanged in the marriage, only because it is good for our kids (my son is 6 and my daughter is 10) and tried to improve our communication. But, nothing changed.

Now, I wish to pursue my life with love, respect, courage, authenticity and faith; for I would like my kids to do the same. Therefore, I am following my calling to step out of this marriage and create the change, my spirit wishes me to make. To do so, I am beginning with surrendering my body, mind, spirit and my kids innocent smile at my Krishna's feet in complete faith.

Gunjan Raizada


He values money, and I value respect.

He loves to control me, and I love to be just my self.

He needs physical connection, and I need a sacred relationship.

He believes he is the Lord of the family, and I believe God is the only Lord.

Hari Aum Tat Sat

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