Surrender, Listen and Give

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why did not I know this that...

The act of love making needs to be fulfilling for both husband and wife and not just the husband.

In a successful marriage, love and respect need to be reciprocated; for love supports and respect provides space to be.

Expressing love and affection in bed and outside the bed, is THE bond that either connects husband and wife or throws them apart.

Its okay to let the husband fulfill his desires while having sex, but its allowing abuse, to let him snore away, leaving wife in frustration or tears.

Its really needed to seek help, when something bothers during intercourse, whether it is emotions or physical pain, with an experienced counselor.

The sole purpose of women's breast is to nurture and sustain her infant for the first six months; and it is definitely not a masturbating toy for the husband to fulfill his desires, for his pleasure.

Just like any other emotion or pain, the tags of good or bad needs to be removed from conversations about love and each one of its manifestations, and needs to be openly talked about without feeling any inhibitions.

Love and expressions of love (including glances, words, touch , hug or more) need to be sensed (starting from childhood), by what it triggers in the body, when seen in photos, in public places or even when experienced in person by two readings; first, how it feels in that moment and second, how it feels when it is reflected about, alone.

Hari Aum Tat Sat

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