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Friday, August 22, 2008

Maintaining Peace (poem)

Recently, I had been observing the cleansing and dissolving powers of water. The other day, when I had food poisoning; with each subsequent glass of pure water I drank, I actually sensed my system clearing up (without any medications). Now, I am convinced that water worked on my digestive system the way constant remembrance works on my thoughts. Here is a poem, that surfaced during some of those observations.


Thinking about the divine amidst harsh circumstances, temporarily provides me security; just as the running water on a cut finger, temporarily washes off the blood.

Experiencing the divine presence during meditation, leaves me with a lingering joy; just as rinsing the greasy utensils in hot soapy water, leaves them sparkling clean.

Remembering the divine constantly, dissolves my all other thoughts; just as soaking the clothes in hot water with strong detergent, dissolves all stubborn stains.

Meditating and constantly remembering, helps me in maintaining peace; just as alertness and frequent mopping, helps in maintaining a clean floor.


Aum Tat Sat

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