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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Scraping off EXtra thoughts (prayer + audio)

The following prayer (its key thoughts, to be precise) erupted during a meditation session this morning.

And the tune came along while walking (right after the meditation session) about 15 meters, towards my car. While singing the first line in that perfect tune, I was reminded of an old song, “All I need to do is dream, dream.” by Cliff Richard; a song I used to sing a lot in college days. Thanks, Cliff.

Once home, I poured it out on my laptop. Needless to say, I throughly enjoyed the process; the way it came through me, in one day. It feels like a blessing.


All I wish to do is pray, pray, pray, pray.
Pray-pray-pray, pray-pray-pray,
pray-pray-pray, from heart.
All I wish to do is pray, pray.

All I NEED to do is scrape, scrape, scrape, scrape.
Scrape-scrape-scrape, scrape-scrape-scrape,
scrape-scrape-scrape, all extra thoughts.
All I NEED to do is scrape, scrape.

To listen to this prayer, click on the green triangle.

Aum Tat Sat

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