Surrender, Listen and Give

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Petition - 2.0

Just like Microsoft Windows, which puts forth updated and improved applications in each successive version, I feel my petition, to my Krishna, needs to be improved, made more explicit and therefore updated (since the first one in January, 2009), as I grow.

So I share, “My Petition - 2.0” in March, 2009.

To read, through the first version, “ My petition”, which was released in January, 2009, please click at


Dear Krishna,

Please lead,

my mind,
to observe,
only in Your Light,
all that is happening,

my heart,
to seek,
only Your feet,
for the content surrender,

my spirit,
to rise,
only towards You,
with liberating expansiveness,


my body,
to share,
only Your compassion,
in each interaction, mental or in person.

Needing Only You,

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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