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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What would you choose, Faith or Logic? (poem)

When I like a person, it is the vibration, he is sending, that I like.

When I dislike the same person, it is only the vibration, he is sending, that I dislike.

So, is it only about the vibration, that the person, is sending towards me?

Not always; but mostly yes, in addition to how openly I am receiving, what is being sent.

In other words, is it just up to me to receive what I like and reject what I don't?

Yes, I may choose to accept it, reject it or even mask it, right after sensing the initial vibration.

But, by rejecting or masking, am I not rejecting the lesson enclosed, within the vibration?

Well, Yes; so either chose to embrace all lessons in complete faith or save your own skin by shutting.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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