Surrender, Listen and Give

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Access code matters (poem)

My sister is on her business trip to UK,
She texted me the phone number to reach her,
I kept on trying to dial the number she had sent,
and it turned out that the access number was wrong.

In that moment it struck me how important access code is,
having just the right number is not enogh to get me connected,
just as in most of my communications, each time I feel frustrated,
there is perhaps something significant missing in my approach that hinders.

Perhaps its been going on and on in my blind corner without my awareness,
now that its struck me, hey dear friends and family reading this right now,
please reach me and let me know in personal messages (if thats comfortable for you),
as to how do you experience it in my communication with you that comes up and disconnects us.

Aum Tat Sat

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