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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Saying THANK YOU GOD, amidst everything, matters (poem)

This morning at breakfast, my 12 year old daughter was saying that if she performs good recorder (flute) on stage, "Who would you say, good job or thank you for performing it so well? To me or to the recorder?"

I answered, "To you".

Then she said, "There is no one else to be thankful to, other than the performer."

I agreed.

I asked her to repeat the first sentence and it struck me that I know I am
an instrument (just like the recorder for my daughter) of God, who is actually the performer (just like my daughter).

So, whatever I am experiencing in an interaction whether its loving or not, it's all my God's work (just as the sound from the recorder may be melodious or shrill, but its my daughter work).

Since everything is my God's work and I love my God the most, and I have faith that He is doing it for my bigger picture good, so I just need to trust His plan and simply say Thank You God(TYG) amidst all thats happening. For, the person who is delivering that interaction is an instrument (just like the recorder), whether he is aware of it or not.

Thank God, that I was blessed to become aware of it.

So, all I've got to do is TYG, TYG, TYG, for my God has a plan, even if its not clear to me right now.

When someone dear was being nasty, when I wish he would be kind,
When someone dear was being lustful, when I wish he would be loving,
Then, I used to complain to myself and others, I really wish he would change,
But, it just hit me, that since its God who is doing everything, so I need to say TYG.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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