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Monday, February 21, 2011

Whatever we seek from heart does comes true, but make sure we don't ask like King Midas

Yesterday night, my son was reading with me a story about King of Midas, who wished that all that he touches turns into gold. His wish comes true, and even his daughter turns into gold. Then he regrets.

From my experience, I feel that, Universe is contstantly arranging for each one of us, as long as we stay focused on that, and seek what we really need from our heart. And I know it works, so much that its surprises me with tears of gratitude. It also blessed me with an awareness to ask sensibily, not just everything I desire.

So, all of you who don't agree, try it out, but make sure you seek from your heart, with one focus, what you really really need, but making sure you are honoring the people, relationships and all that you have in your life, with gratitude. Lest you should regret!!

Happy Seeking. :))


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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