Surrender, Listen and Give

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Just for few minutes, let an awreness surface (poem)

Just for few minutes,
Let every soul,
be allowed to inspire,
so that,
a fresh awakening,
could be triggered.

Just for few minutes,
Let complete attention,
be offered,
so that,
the warmth of I love you,
could be assimilated.

Just for few minutes,
Let each heart,
be permitted to melt,
so that,
the vibrations in a struggler's voice,
could be learned from.

Just for few minutes,
Let all bodies,
be allowed to ease,
so that,
a helplessness in anger,
could be rescued like a close knit family.

Just for few minutes,
Let none of us,
watch the time,
so that,
a new awareness,
could surface from somewhere deep within us.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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