Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What is flowing through my hugs? (poem)

The other day,
at a networking place,
when I was hugging everyone,
someone asked me for a hug,
in a way,
I did not like.

Controlling my anger,
I said, “No”,
and explained,
with a forced smile,
that I cannot hug him his way,
for it hurts my back.

He yielded reluctantly,
and then received the hug,
the way I wanted to give,
but soon after,
I sensed a pain,
asking me to search within.

During reflections emerged,
what was always there,
yet always invisible,
my default pattern,
of choosing politeness,
over speaking truth.

In my next meditation,
I asked patiently,
“So, what is flowing through my hugs?”
I was extremely surprised,
to see, “Only Mother's love”.

Now, I pray to speak aloud with pride,
“Mother's hug for those who need it”,
“You've got wrong number”
with folded hands,
to the rest.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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