Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Inviting Light (poem)

Let fears be released.
Let desires be replaced.
Let space be created.
Let Light be welcomed.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Dearest God, either Stay With Me or Take Me (poem)

When I stood up,
wearing my socks,
on the tall grass,
I immediately,
sensed that,
the toes had gotten wet,
from the,
soaking ground underneath.

Then I removed,
my socks to spread them,
on the tall grass,
and I immediately,
realized that,
now, they suspended,
far from the,
soaking ground underneath.

Then I registered,
that the toes of my socks,
got wet,
not because of the
soaking ground underneath,
but because of the pressure,
exerted by my body,
on the ground.

Then I registered,
that just as my socks,
remain dry,
either inside sneakers,
or without my weight,
I can remain safe,
either by being with God,
or becoming mind free .

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Conscious Seeking (poem)

Whatever, I search for in a park, I find,
Be it a trash bin,
Be it butterflies,
Be it trees, or,
Be it flowers.

Therefore, I must seek, very consciously,
Be it remembrance,
Be it purification,
Be it peace, or,
Be it God.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

God Only Knows What is This. (poem)

There is something,
within me,
which is,
as Sweet as Love.

There is something,
within me,
which is,
as Vast as the entire Sky.

There is something,
within me,
which is,
as Connected as the Universe.

There is something,
within me,
which is,
as Calm as the bottom of Ocean.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

O My Krishna, call me, Radha (poem)

Now that I feel like the spirit of Radha,
meandering around your Lotus feet,
I am longing to hear you call me,
lovingly, just one time, Radha.

So My Lord Krishna, call me, Radha,
lovingly, just one time, Radha.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Mind, Body, Heart and Soul (poem)

My mind is,

My body is,

My heart is,

My soul is,

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, April 24, 2009

God's love is Ummmm... (poem)

God's love smells like,
the fragrance of mud,
on merging,
with the first rain drop.

God's love smiles like,
the twinkle in kids eyes,
on spotting,
the rainbow in the sky.

God's love soothes like,
the nap for an infant,
while nursing,
on the mother's breast.

God's love fulfills like,
the quenching of traveler,
in desert,
who was dying of water.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What is flowing through my hugs? (poem)

The other day,
at a networking place,
when I was hugging everyone,
someone asked me for a hug,
in a way,
I did not like.

Controlling my anger,
I said, “No”,
and explained,
with a forced smile,
that I cannot hug him his way,
for it hurts my back.

He yielded reluctantly,
and then received the hug,
the way I wanted to give,
but soon after,
I sensed a pain,
asking me to search within.

During reflections emerged,
what was always there,
yet always invisible,
my default pattern,
of choosing politeness,
over speaking truth.

In my next meditation,
I asked patiently,
“So, what is flowing through my hugs?”
I was extremely surprised,
to see, “Only Mother's love”.

Now, I pray to speak aloud with pride,
“Mother's hug for those who need it”,
“You've got wrong number”
with folded hands,
to the rest.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Now, I have chosen Krishna (poem)

I am choosing to hold Krishna's feet,
instead of, chasing after, my longings,
instead of, blaming others, for my tears,
instead of, feeling guilty, for not doing.

I am choosing to let Krishna's plan be,
instead of, calling it, my accomplishment,
instead of, claiming warm hugs, as mine,
instead of, bloating up, when complimented.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Converting Energy is better than Dissipating (poem)

When I have a longing,
When I feel like crying,
When I am missing love,
When I am feeling hurt,

It is a smart idea to shift,
all that energy to dig out,
the purest source within,
instead of chasing outside.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, April 20, 2009

When, I miss love... (poem)

When, I miss love,
I stretch out on the grass,

I request mother earth earnestly,
to take away all that's not truly mine,

I call upon father sky tearfully,
to protect all that is genuinely mine,

I beg lover breeze smilingly,
to kiss both my cheeks affectionately.

I seek grandpa Sun childishly,
to bless my being with encouragement.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

One day, I will get what I am desiring (poem)

I am desiring,
divine love.

I am worshiping,
Krishna's feet.

I am doing,
purifying myself.

I am giving,
mother's love.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Truth is Pure, it is not Kind or Unkind (poem)

I was hugging everyone in a networking group and then came this gentleman who asked me to hug him in a certain way, which I did not wish to.

I politely refused and said, “It hurts my back.”

He yielded, stood up and received the hug, my way.

Later, during the day my body was hurting, telling me something was not OK.

When I meditated, I heard, that I had chosen to lie just to be kind. But, in the process, I had stabbed my own God.

I knew then, that I needed to change, my old thinking, choosing and reacting patterns.

I know, now , that I need to make choices based on what feels right to my spirit, instead of simply being nice to others.

Now, I know, that I need to reprogram my choices by stepping back, reflecting and asking my spirit for guidance as frequently as possible.

And even if I commit a mistake, I need to undo it as soon as possible before moving on and remember the lesson.

After much reflection, I realized, that this incident had led me to dig deeper and announce my newly discovered truth that I am giving only motherly hugs. Those who need it, are welcome to receive it, and those who are seeking something else, “Please excuse me, for you have got the wrong number.”


I used to be,
always evasive,
I needed to utter no.

I used to be,
always caring,
I knew it might hurt.

I know,
that all I care for is,
to speak my spirit.

I know,
that all I must do is,
to erase old patterns.

For now,
I have realized,
that truth is,
not kind or unkind.

For now,
I have realized,
that truth is,
what God truly is.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Choosing to Go Slow (poem)

Some days I really feel slow,
I don't feel like talking to anyone,
I just want to listen to that voice within,
I don't do anything significantly creative,
I know those are the days I truly fall apart,
I don't spend much energy on what can wait,
I only meditate, walk, relax on grass and write,
Those days, I tune into body and choose to go slow.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Let us Honor each other's Soul (poem)

Let us,
say Thanks,
to someone,
who fulfilled a need.

Let us,
express Apologies,
to someone,
who accidentally got hurt.

Let us,
assimilate Love,
from someone,
who is genuinely giving.

Let us,
gather Wisdom,
from someone,
who is really struggling.

Let us,
create Time,
for someone,
who is truly seeking.

Let us,
give Respect,
to every soul,
who is just being.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

When chocolates no longer tempt (poem)

When, I fill my belly before stepping out from home,
then, I don't get tempted towards chocolates at party.

When, I immerse into God's love before interacting,
then, I don't seek any kind of love from anyone else.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let Love Shine (poem)

Let mind open,
let heart sing,
let body sway,
let soul smile.

Let mind yield,
let heart give,
let body speak,
let soul lead.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Just as, I live in my house, my soul, resides in my body. (poem)

Just as, I need to open windows, for fresh breeze,
My mind, needs to stay open, for fresh perspective.

Just as, I need to keep the glass doors clean, to admire trees,
My heart, needs to be clear of all impressions, to speak honestly.

Just as, I need to decorate the supporting walls, for pleasant sight,
My body, needs to accept all that comes as God's grace, for easing harmony.

Just as, I need to respect my neighbors for who they are, to enjoy interactions,
My soul, needs to honor the invisible perfection inside all beings, to experience bliss.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Just for few minutes, let an awreness surface (poem)

Just for few minutes,
Let every soul,
be allowed to inspire,
so that,
a fresh awakening,
could be triggered.

Just for few minutes,
Let complete attention,
be offered,
so that,
the warmth of I love you,
could be assimilated.

Just for few minutes,
Let each heart,
be permitted to melt,
so that,
the vibrations in a struggler's voice,
could be learned from.

Just for few minutes,
Let all bodies,
be allowed to ease,
so that,
a helplessness in anger,
could be rescued like a close knit family.

Just for few minutes,
Let none of us,
watch the time,
so that,
a new awareness,
could surface from somewhere deep within us.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Calm Observer = God (poem)

Whenever, I wear a synthetic scarf,
each time, its gets stuck into the,
Velcro flaps on my Yoga bag,
and pulls out a string of its thread.

Whenever, I encounter this incident,
each time, it seems to be signaling,
that I need to be very careful near,
the Velcro flaps wearing this scarf.

Whenever, I am in uneasy situations,
each time, I need to remember God,
for, only with that calm observation,
I can actually see, what I need to.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Peace is Separating the Observer from the Observation (poem)

I long for someone,
I need to,
remind myself,
I am the observer,
and not,
the one obsessed.

I am happy,
I need to,
remind myself,
I am the observer,
and not,
the one elated.

I feel frustrated,
I need to,
remind myself,
I am the observer,
and not,
the one expecting.

I sense fulfillment,
I need to,
remind myself,
I am the observer,
and not,
the one doing.

I sense helplessness,
I need to,
remind myself,
I am the observer,
and not,
the one compressed.

I experience calmness,
I need to,
remind myself,
I am the observer,
I am being one.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Am I sincere in saying Aho? (poem)

When I am with a group of people, who are aware and spirit guided,
we all greet with Aho, which means, my spirit bows to your spirit,
which implies that, my spirit honors your spirit's presence,
but, off late I realized I am not being truthful.

For, when my spirit heard, a genuine heart felt, “I love you all...”,
in an extremely rushed voice, my spirit realized that,
the speaker's spirit is asking for some extra time,
but, I did not stand up, to give her a minute.

For, when my spirit heard, a tearful, “I decreased my workspace...”
in very compressed notes, my spirit realized that,
the speaker's spirit is longing for a support,
but, I did not get up, to rub her back.

For, when my spirit heard, a choking, “I am angry...”
in very soft words, and my spirit realized that,
the speaker's spirit is searching for peace,
but, I did not step forward, to hug her.

For, when I reflected, I realized that,
I am disrespecting speaker's spirit,
I am not honoring my spirit,
and, I am being dishonest.

Now, its time for me to choose,
to state my spirit's request,
to create a sacred time,
or, quietly stop going.

God is Truth (Aum Tat Sat)

A Sacred Space (poem)

A space is sacred,


Soul can speak,

Heart can open,

Body can relax,


Mind can shut.

A space is sacred


God is heard,

Love is given,

Touch is healing,


Ease is flowing.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Acceptance leads to Blessings (poem)

When, I am shocked with an emerging thought,
I check myself, from resisting its surfacing.

When, I embrace it as a gift from my God,
I am all smiles at the end of that just-being.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Acceptance gives Calmness (poem)

Leaves don't cry,
while falling,
Trees don't cry,
for their loss,

Then why do I,
cry each time,
I find myself,
in transition?

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Believe me, Universe Arranges (poem)

I feel blessed to be experiencing God's love, from an elderly shaman, who I call grandpa, for he gives me what my bed-ridden grandfather gave (till 1986).

Now, I sense, as if the entire universe has come together to "arrange" for my basic need.

Today, after meditation, when I was deeply swimming in his warm love, this poem poured out with tears.
You don't know what you have given to me,
For, you are like, rain in a drought hit heart.

You don't know what your touch provides me,
For, this was the way, my grandfather touched.

You don't know what your meditation blesses me,
For, it melts and erases, the deepest secret within.

You don't know what your twinkling eyes show me,
For, they reflect the genuine love of my grandfather.

You don't know what your words mean to me,
For, they sound like, when I stood 1st in grade 7.

You don't know what your praise showers on me,
For, it takes me back, to my best/first school days.

You don't know what your support pours on me,
For, it makes me feel secure, on the stage again.

You don't know why I could not accept praise today,
For, in 30 years, I have forgotten how to assimilate it.

Now, I don't know what's ahead in my uncertain life,
But, in your love, I feel nurtured and nourished again.
Now, I don't know where this poetry will lead me,
But, with your encouraging words, it has given a lot.

Now, I don't know where this devotion will take me,
But, with your hand on my head, I feel truly blessed.

Now, I don't know where my soul's force will push me,
But, in your nose rubbing, I do sense God's pure love.


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thank You God (poem)

Dear God,

Thank You,
for loving me,
for hugging me,
for touching me,
for caressing me,
for purifying me,
for smiling at me,
for listening to me,
for speaking with me,
and for being with me.

Seeking only Your Lotus Feet,
Gunjan Raizada Chakravarty

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Happier days at College

The following story is a part of complete writing called ,"Feeling Love in the Air",
put up on the same blog in Feb. 2008, at this address:
I had a wonderful time in college. Life was relaxed for a change. Once again, I started singing (in the cafeteria), dancing at the college festivals and laughing (in the corridors) with the friends. Sometimes, we would laugh so much that our eyes would water and tummy would hurt.

Life was great with so many lovely friends, so much of time, no attendance compulsion and boundless creativity. There were no worries, no responsibilities and no complains in life.

In college, once again, I was comfortable with boys around me. I no longer wished them to be sent to another planet.

I and my friends would fight over those crumbs of chocolate cake in the college gardens. We would read each others palms in the bright-sunny-tennis-lawns. During palm reading session, they would chase me till the far away boundary of the college, when I would tell them about the number of affairs they would be having.

I had started celebrating every small little event, by buying coffee for all friends, be it for getting the highest score in a small test or for buying a new dress.

To reach university, I had to travel for an hour (each way) in an exclusively university student's bus (called U-spl). But that long commute time never bothered me. With my new friends (made in that bus), I would sing endlessly, comfortably sitting on that dirty floor of the bus. We would, read famous Lynda Goodman’s “Sun sign book” as a group and analyze each others characteristics. Discussing what we wanted most in life was a favorite topic of discussion during that “seemingly short” commute hour.

Together, we would create happiness by doing anything, anywhere. One day while eating with my friends at a restaurant and getting bothered by the smokers around us. We decided to find out from those smokers as to why on earth did they smoke. To get our answers, we pretended to be reporters (for “YuvaVani”, a radio channel for the youth) and started interviewing smokers in that restaurant. That afternoon, while moving with a folder and a pen from table to table, we did get some very convincing and interesting answers for our research problem; but more than anything else it was PURE fun.

Hanging out together as a group, we would play games, take vocabulary tests, sing our favorite advertisements and stuff ourselves into that small Archie’s card shop while trying to help a friend choose one card. Also, we would (very often) start singing together in the middle of serving ourselves food at a party, the moment we would hear the starting music of our favorite ghazal (“Who kagaz ki kashti”). That animated chorus (which was most of the time out of tune) while holding those serving spoons/plates in hands, closed eyes and bodies swaying to the rhythm of the song; is one of the most memorable-musical-moments-of-my-life.

When it came to studying Physics, we would all study together (sincerely), but just before the exams. The "fun" did not affect the studies or the grades. But, truly speaking, studying was only a small fraction of the college life.

In that sunny-bright-spread–out-green-campus, I was myself once again like what I was in my first school.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, April 6, 2009

What is a Dead Body?

This morning my daughter innocently asked me, “You know, I have never seen a dead body, I wonder what it looks like? Can you tell me?”

I replied, “It is a body, sleeping absolutely still without any breath moving the belly up and down.”

I don't know what she gathered out of it, but she rushed for the school, but the question kept echoing in my mind. Here, is a possible answer which surfaced.

In meditation, when the entire body is still, the breath connects me to the wisdom in the entire Universe and then my soul reflects it to my body as shivers as wells words, to my mind as pictures and to my heart as warm tears, simultaneously.

The stillness helps in seeing with clarity, like the bottom of a calm lake, when there are no waves on its surface.

In dead body, even though the body is still, the breath is no longer there, which means the speaker connection to the Universal wisdom is lost and gradually the soul, like an interpreter leaves the body, for there is nothing to interpret, for the speaker (the breath) has left the stage and so must the interpreter (soul).

Does it make sense?

Am I missing anything?

I would really like to know some of your answers, if you would like to share.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

How do I peek into other's Souls? (poem)

Each time, I get bugged by somebody's words or actions, something within me tells me, “ He is just being himself, so simply ignore that, send him God's love.”

So far with repeated practice, I have been able to follow this up most of the time.

But now, that soft voice from within says, “Even though he is being himself, he is not being his true self, which is God-self which is his pure soul, so step closer and try to peek into his soul...”

Now, this sounds profound, but I am not there yet.

Anyone, out there, any pointers, how do you peek into the other's soul?

I look forward to hearing some answers.

However, this early morning, the first thought came roughly as the 4 lines of the following poem.


My Karma, connects me to, my family.

My Gyana, prods me to serve, the community.

My Bhakti, pulls me to worship, Krishna's feet.

My Atman, points me to “see” the soul and not body.

Relevant Vocabulary for the above words-

Karma means actions, Gyana means knowledge or wisdom, Bhakti means devotion.
In Bhagvad Gita, these are the three paths for self-realization.

Atman is the spirit, the higher self or the soul.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Let me be Transformed (poem)

O Universe,

Let faith be.
Let love be.
Let seeking be.
Let devotion be.

Let there be no anger.
Let there be no desires.
Let there be no complains.
Let there be only, Krishna.

Let there be no wife, in me.
Let there be no Physicist me.
Let there be no mother, in me.
Let there be only Radha, in me.

Let blood flow in Krishna.
Let each breath inhale Krishna.
Let each cell be filled with Krishna.
Let all pores of skin soak in Krishna.

Surrendering all that I have, at Krishna's feet,

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Why is it so difficult to be Honest? (poem)

Why is it so difficult for me,
to observe and acknowledge,
that I am very uneasy,
around some specific people?

Why is it so difficult for me,
to remember once and for all,
that I get scary dreams,
after reading disturbing news?

Why is it so difficult for me,
to realize every now and then,
that I still have dreams,
that are longing to be fulfilled?

Why is it so difficult for me,
to accept and register forever,
that I need to embrace,
ALL with compassion and faith?

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Mind cannot block Soul (poem)

Clouds can hide Sun, but not its Light.
Trees can cover a fraction, but not entire sky.
Pretending can work for a while, but not forever.
Mind can block the heart for sometime, but not soul.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)