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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Everyone is God's child, so is Osama...(poem)

I have been a victim of my circumsatnces,
My heart has been flooded with pain,
My mind is full of random thoughts,
and in darkness, I am revengeful.

Just like me, and some of my very dear people,
many have searched for really deep bondings,
in which, someone can empathize, not judge,
and in Light only, I found that Love.

So, just as we pray, peace for even strangers,
why don't all of us, come together and pray,
for all those who lost dear ones on 9/11,
and include Osama Bin Laden, too?

For, everyone is God's child, so is Osama...

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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