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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My First Valentine's Day Card (poem)

Valentine's Day used to be a big day in college.
Seeing many girls moving with thick petaled red roses.
Watching most boys holding proudly a red heart-shaped card.
The two of us, felt an urge to celebrate V-day, without romance.

We went into the library, and looked into all possible dictionaries.
We convinced ourselves, that Valentine could be anyone we care for.
We talked to friends as well as family at dinner table, and everybody agreed.
We both, declared to the entire college, each and every student, about our special plans.

The big day, Feb. 14th 1989 arrived, and the two of us arrived well dressed, with extra pride.
That day, under the biggest tree in Hindu College, Delhi University, we finally exchanged cards.
I read it, smiled and re-read it, showed it off to all my friends along with the red rose and so did he.
When I was screaming out, “I got my first V-day card”, I heard, “Got or asked?”, but I just didn't care.

Aum Tat Sat

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