Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Spirit is Screaming (poem)

My spirit expanded in Grade 2,
when I had empathized with a classmate,
who was punished to stay in a cock position,
while monitoring him in the absence of the teacher.

My spirit contracted each time,
when I did not tell my dear father,
that it was not nice to invite his siblings,
and expect my feeling sick mother to cook and serve.

My spirit expanded in Grade 7,
when I had helped a classmate to cheat,
by prompting all answers in Geography exam,
for he had mistakenly prepared for Geometry exam.

My spirit contracted for a decade,
each time I allowed my husband to dictate,
for the sake of maintaining peace in the family,
even though I knew it was at the cost of my peace.

My spirit expanded every time,
after lying on soft grass under a tree in Sun,
when mother Earth embraces me affectionately,
by absorbing all my stress and wakes me with smiles.

My spirit contracted to its minimum,
whenever someone abused my sacred hugs,
or, tried to touch me with impure intentions,
for, in my heart-to-heart hug, I share divine love.

My spirit expanded on knowing,
that faraway strangers read my blog,
whenever they share, how they feel "HMMM",
after reading some poem at the end of a rough day.

My spirit contracted on hearing,
that I may be violating certain limits,
by caressing people following my senses,
for it is distracting to the speaker or listeners.

My spirit expanded in three hugs,
when I was floating from one hug to another,
with an expanding openness in my entire being,
experiencing a state of meditation-like pure bliss.

My spirit contracted much later,
after I had heard a brave women seek help,
when I did not reach her till formalities had ended,
for I had chosen to confine my spirit inside a time box.

Aum Tat Sat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wondeful way to capture your experiences.. I guess you are hinting on unconditional love.