Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How does one express caring? (poem)

I was reflecting on some moments, when I was touched by the care expressed by others and when I conveyed it without saying it in words, “I care for you.” This is what surfaced from that reflection and those precious moments.


The caring can be expressed,

By honoring the message,

By scolding with concern,

By listening with attention,

By arguing with conviction,

By speaking the truth, and

By giving one's very best.

Aum Tat Sat


Unknown said...

Caring is giving and subliming the self in to thatg of the others.

I believe that what you are writting is coming our of the spritual experience and your own fears of the unknown. you can also call it peotry.

By any chance do you belong to Agra and have ever studied at Agra College?

S.D. Saxena

S.D. Saxena

Gunjan said...

No, I do not belong to Agra.

Thans for reading through and apreciating it.
