Surrender, Listen and Give

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What is Courage? (poem)

Yesterday, my 10 year old daughter, communicated her frank opinion negating a derogatory comment (about someone else) made by an adult. In that moment, I realized that she had started discriminating between right and wrong. I felt very proud of her instant reaction, for it had put the inconsiderate speaker in an uncomfortable spot.

But, unfortunately, I did not find the courage to applaud her in that moment, for I got into the loop that my applauding (her) might hurt/upset/disrespect the speaker.

However, after, this early morning's meditation, I realized that I should have done that. Now, I know that courage is also finding the courage to support it (whenever or wherever I see it happening), in addition to acting courageously.


Courage is knowing that something is not correct and speaking fearlessly against it.

Courage is finding the courage to applaud other's inspiring actions, defying all barriers.

Courage is realizing the truth, upholding it and taking a doubt-free-firm stand for it.

Courage is sensing the authenticity in a moment and following the heart with conviction.

Courage is recognizing the Divine Force within and honoring it in complete Surrender.


Aum Tat Sat

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