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Friday, October 24, 2008

How to pursue one's love? (poem)

My 5 year old son loves cooking. Yesterday, he insisted on cutting onions even though his eyes were constantly watering. When I asked him to leave it in a firm voice, he protested (almost crying), “But, I love cutting onions.”

Knowing that the nature of onions cannot be changed, I brainstormed to somehow keep him happy. Just then an idea flashed. I asked him to pull out his exploring, geologist big-bulky glasses (from a science project kit), which completely covers the eye so that nothing external can slide in, while providing a clear vision.

It was a happy moment for me, to watch my son cut, extremely patiently and carefully those thin slices of onions. Being able to pursue what he loves surely made him happy.

This poem surfaced during this morning's meditation, after reflecting on how I myself and kids or adults around me find happiness by pursuing what they love.


Pursue love for cooking by cutting onions wearing goggles.

Pursue love for acting by enacting alone or amidst people.

Pursue love for an instrument by playing it while waiting.

Pursue love for writing by scribbling ideas while cooking.

Pursue love for connecting through single minded seeking.

Pursue love for dear people by sending it out through God.

Aum Tat Sat

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