Surrender, Listen and Give

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Monday, October 6, 2008

Needs and Wishes (poem)

This Monday morning (during meditation), I was reflecting about what I talked to my father (last night). It was about my wishing to talk less and lesser. This was news to my father, for I have always been a nonstop-chatter box.

I realized I have changed. So far, I enjoyed talking, but now, I find a joy in silence.

The following poem came out right after this meditation.


I need to filter my thoughts, for they get amplified.

I wish to constantly remember, that I am the GOD.

I need to watch my words, for they keep creating.

I wish to keep quiet, for I prefer tuning to the SELF.

I need to select my actions, for they consume energy.

I wish to aid, the flow of what's coming through ME.


Aum Tat Sat

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